EFECS is the international forum to Create impact by collaborative innovation! For an autonomous and sustainable Europe along the Electronic Components and Systems value chain in Europe. Therefore the organisers of this event, AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside have joined forces to bring all stakeholders together on 24-25 November 2022 in Amsterdam at Beurs van Berlage, where we come together to Create impact by Collaborative Innovation!European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems (EFECS) is a conference with the theme “Create impact by collaborative innovation! For an autonomous and sustainable Europe” which focuses on a sustainable and competitive Europe along the value chain for electronic components and systems in Europe.
EFECS 2022 will give participants a unique opportunity to engage with the leaders and enablers of Europe’s Digital Economy by hosting a virtual exhibition to:
Latest technology trends and applications of Electronic Components and Systems
Align with complementary initiatives
With ECS stakeholders and partners, and create your project consortia
The ECS Strategic Research Agenda through interactive workshops
About calls and funding landscape developments
The ECS impact for a green transition of digitalisation
EFECS offers various opportunities for attending SMEs
- to pitch project ideas on the main stage to the overall stakeholders
- to network at the exhibition also with project leaders from running project
- To network, around a coffee, with other SMEs, large enterprises, universities and Research and Technology Organisations to build consortia
- To network and organise meetings thanks to the B2match making tool
- To participate to workshops
Vinnova offers small and medium-sized companies that want to participate in the event to apply for travel grants by 25 October. More here:https://www.vinnova.se/en/events-calendar/2022/11/european-forum-for-electronic-components-and-systems–efecs-2022/