For technical experts, the project submission should demonstrate that:

  • The consortium is knowledgeable in the field
  • There is innovation beyond state-of-the-art – not a “me too” product, or a pure engineering project
  • There is a market potential
  • The consortium is complementary and there will be real cooperation
  • There is added value through the collaboration

For national Public Authorities, show that:

  • The project is aligned with national priorities
  • It will have positive national impact for each country involved

Most importantly, both audiences will expect to see real economic and/or societal impact at the end of the project in the application areas being addressed. It will therefore be very important to include clear demonstrations of what you have achieved, as well as high expectations in relation to the exploitation opportunities that will follow when the project has been successfully completed.

Finally, sustainability is becoming an increasingly important factor for the economy and society. The Electronic Components and Systems community is seen as one of the key resources to ensure that sustainability and climate change goals will be reached through digital innovation and transformation. Your project will need to show how it is contributing towards these requirements.