• Xecs
  • Joint Thematic Calls

Xecs annual Calls

Xecs runs calls on an annual basis. Each call is guided by the ECS Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and supported by countries across the Eureka network. The call cycle allows extensive opportunity to generate project ideas and build collaborative consortia – with events organised to support the process. Each call operates in two stages, a Project Outline to assess support for your proposal, and a Full Project Proposal to demonstrate how you will achieve your stated goals.

Extensive expert, public authority and office support is provided throughout the call cycle – and extends into the project management phase once projects are approved.

Xecs Call 4 Timeline

Project Outlines must be submitted by 23 January 2025, 17:00 CET in the Project Zone.

Selected project partners will be invited to prepare and submit a Full Project Proposal with a deadline of 16 April, 17:00 CEST in the Project Zone.


Xecs Call 4 RD&I areas

For the Xecs Call 4, projects can be submitted in all areas of the ECS-SRIA. However, as some countries have specific priorities in terms of funding criteria, you are strongly urged to review your Project Idea with the Public Authorities Representatives concerned at an early stage to ensure that there is close alignment between your project goal and national priorities.

National funding rules

Check also that your project meets the national funding rules while watching these recordings and contacting your Public Authority representatives.

Xecs Call 4 eligibility criteria

Your project must meet these eligibility criteria here.

Xecs Call 4 four steps

Your participation in Xecs will flow through 4 steps:

  • Step 1 - Project Idea Development
  • Step 2 - Consortium Building
  • Step 3 - Project Submission and Evaluation
  • Step 4 - Project Management

Project Idea Development

This should be a continuous process but will be catalysed by the Xecs call timetable. You will be alerted to the upcoming call timetable in early Summer, and this should begin the development of potential ideas for projects. A useful service for looking at ideas or finding partners for your ideas is the ECS Collaboration Tool. This is open to all, and available 24/7 online.

Consortium Building

You can meet potential collaborators through the ECS Collaboration Tool or attend the events we organise to specifically promote networking and idea-sharing.  In addition, to inform you of funding options, many countries will organise webinars that will inform you of the Xecs Call and the conditions under which funding support may be provided. Stay tuned for the upcoming events.

Project Submission & Evaluation

Xecs Projects are submitted through the Xecs Project Zone in two stages – a Project Outline and a Full Project Proposal. Here you will find all the tools and information that will allow you to submit your project online. Of course, the Xecs office is available throughout this process to support you and answer any questions you may have. Extensive online guidance and help are also available.

Project Outlines are evaluated by technical experts and Public Authorities and successful projects are invited to submit a Full Project Proposal. All projects receive extensive feedback to help create the best possible FPP, or for those not invited inform a possible future project submission. The Full Project Proposals then go through a second evaluation cycle and funding decisions made, generally subject to the completion of individual country National/Partner funding processes.

Project Management

Once funding is confirmed, the project will be initiated at a “Kick-Off” meeting. Based on funding decisions and developing ideas, most projects then go through a first “Change Request” process to set the baseline for all the work that will follow. This may be repeated as required to consider the subsequent project and partner modifications. The office will work with you on a reporting and review process over the 3 years of the project and we will help create a Project Outline and Project Impact Summary at the beginning and end of the project for external publication. As in all the other phases, the emphasis will be on giving you the maximum support possible, technical and otherwise, to ensure a successful “high impact” outcome for all partners in an Xecs project. Extensive opportunities for communicating your project progress and results will also be provided, through publications, videos and social media activities.

As required, Xecs will partner with other Eureka Cluster communities to launch Joint Thematic Calls – designed to capture the interest of the broadest possible range of organisations engaged in digital transformation. So far, calls have been launched to develop Artificial Intelligence technologies and to accelerate the critical subject of sustainability.

To make sure that you do not miss out on any of these opportunities, sign up to the Xecs newsletter here – keeping you informed on all activities supporting sustainable digital transformation.