Call Flow
Xecs launches one call per year, using a two-stage submission process. This provides an opportunity for you to refine your project based on expert advice from technologists and national funding bodies, to help ensure the best possible chances for your project to be approved

Early during the Call preparation, contact your Public Authority representatives to ensure that your that there is close alignment between the project goal and national priorities and that your project meets the national funding rules.
Your Project Outline will give a short overview of a project, mainly to describe the project goals, innovation, targeted business impact and consortium. It is important that the technical evaluators clearly understand how the consortium will extend the state of the art, developing truly new and innovative technology. A route to economic and societal exploitation should also be visible, with projects showing though demonstrations how new applications will be enabled when they are successfully completed. Most importantly, the project outline must demonstrate to the public authorities involved how they will see a return on investment in their country. Please find a video on How to submit a Xecs Proposal in the Project Zone. Project Outlines that are positively evaluated will be invited to submit a Full Project Proposal.
The Full Project Proposal adds the project plan and related work packages to the Project Outline and describes how the project will be executed and managed. Each project that is invited to the FPP phase will be provided with comprehensive feedback from the technical and national evaluation of the project outline that must be addressed in the final submission.